株式会社And The(以下、「当社」といいます。)は、当社が取扱う個人情報の保護について、社会的責任を十分に認識して、本人の権利利益を保護し、個人情報に関する法規制等を遵守致します。また、以下に示す方針を具現化するために、個人情報保護マネジメントシステムを構築し、最新のIT技術の動向、物流リスクのトレンド、社会的要請の変化、経営環境の変動等を常に認識しながら、その継続的な改善に、全社を挙げて取り組むことをここに宣言致します。
a. 当社は、個人情報をお預かりする際には、その取得目的を明らかにして、個人情報の適切な取得・利用・提供を行い、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱い(目的外利用)は行いません。また、そのための適切な措置を講じます。
b. 当社は個人情報の取扱いに関する法令、国が定める指針及びその他の規範を遵守致します。
c. 当社は個人情報への不正アクセス、個人情報の漏えい、滅失又はき損等のリスクに対しては、合理的な安全対策を講じ、事業の実情に合致した経営資源を注入し、個人情報のセキュリティ体制を継続的に向上させて行きます。また不適切な事項については是正を行うなどの内部規程を定め、個人情報を最善の状態で保護致します。
d. 当社は個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情及び相談対応への内部規程を定め、苦情及び相談には、迅速かつ誠実に対応致します。
e. 個人情報保護マネジメントシステムについて、当社を取り巻く環境の変化を踏まえ、適時・適切に見直して、その改善を継続的に推進して行きます。本方針は、全役員並びに従業員に配布して周知徹底すると共に、当社のホームページに掲載し、いつでも、どなた様でも入手可能な措置を講じます。
株式会社And The(以下、「当社」といいます。)は、当社のサービスを円滑に行うため、サービス上必要となる個人情報を取得しますが、これらの個人情報は、当社の「個人情報保護方針」に基づくほか、以下の通り取扱います。
1. 個人情報保護管理者
株式会社And The 小野澤健次
2. 個人情報の利用目的
3. 個人情報の第三者提供について
5. 個人情報の開示等の手続き
6. 個人情報を提供されることの任意性について
7. 当社開設Webサイトにおけるクッキー及びWebビーコンの利用について
• 個人情報の取扱いに関する責任者を設置するとともに、個人情報を取り扱う従業者及び当該従業者が取り扱う個人情報の範囲を明確化しています。
• 担当者及び取り扱う個人情報データベース等の範囲を限定しています。
8. 当社が取得した個人情報に関する苦情及びお問い合わせについては、次の「個人情報保護に関するお問い合わせ窓口」まで、メールまたは郵便によりお申し出ください。
〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷3-51-10 PORTAL POINT HARAJUKU 602号室
株式会社And The
Mail. info@andthefriet.com
1. 開示等の内容
2. 開示等の内容
手数料 開示等のお求めに対し、1件につき2,000円(税込み)を手数料としてご請求させて頂いております。
3. 開示等のご請求方法及びお問い合わせ
●外国人登録証明書の写し なお、お申し出いただいた方がご自身以外の場合(代理人等)は、次の書類も同封してください。
●お客さまが開示等のご請求を行うことについて、その作業を委任した代理人 委任状など、代理権があることを確認できる書類
4. 開示等のご請求に関する結果の通知方法
(注3)開示等を行わない場合 次のいずれかに該当する場合は開示等を行いませんので、予めご了承をお願い致します。
[Handling of Personal Information]
And The Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") obtains personal information necessary for the smooth operation of the Company's services, and handles such personal information in accordance with the Company's "Personal Information Protection Policy" and the following:
1. Personal Information Protection Manager
Kenji Onozawa, And The Co., Ltd.
2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The Company will use the obtained personal information for the following purposes:
1)Personal information of employees
- For conducting payroll calculations
- For handling social insurance matters
- For personnel and labor management
- For internal administrative processes, administrative procedures, and communication
- For health management
- For security management
2)Personal information of job applicants
- For determining whether to hire applicants
- For contacting job applicants
- For onboarding procedures
3)Personal information of business partners
- For business negotiations, business-related communication, and order placement/receipt
- For the fulfillment of business operations
4)Personal information of customers
- For sending requested materials
- For confirming reservation details
- For confirming orders and other relevant details
- For shipping purchased products
- For tracking maintenance and other related information regarding purchased products
- For providing information about promotions and services
- For responding to customer requests and inquiries
- For statistical data analysis to aid in product development and service improvement
- For advertising and sales promotion through publication in magazines and other media, with prior consent from customers
For the fulfillment of contracted services (handling such information to the extent necessary)
2-2. Types of Personal Information Collected
The types of personal information that the Company may collect are as follows:
- Profile information, such as name, date of birth, gender, occupation, and used device
- Contact information, such as email address, telephone number, and address
- Information, etc. related to transaction details and purchase history
- Information, etc. related to inquiries and communications to the Company
- Information related to referrers, IP addresses, and server access logs; cookies and other identifiers; device information; location information; browsing history; and other information related to the use of services
3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company will not provide personal information obtained from customers to third parties without prior consent, except in the following cases. Please note that entrusting personal information to subcontractors does not constitute the provision of personal information to third parties.
1)When required by laws and regulation
2)When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual, and obtaining the customer's consent is difficult
3)When it is especially necessary for the improvement of public health or the sound growth of children, and obtaining the customer's consent is difficult
4)When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual entrusted by them to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the customer's consent may impede the execution of such affairs.
4.Entrustment of Personal Information
The Company may entrust part of its business to outside contractors to the extent necessary to achieve its purposes of use. In such cases, the Company will select contractors that are deemed to handle personal information appropriately, and implement appropriate management by stipulating in contracts and other agreements the matters necessary to prevent leakage of personal information through appropriate management of personal information, maintenance of confidentiality, etc.
5. Procedures for Disclosure and Other Requests Regarding Personal Information
If you wish to request disclosure of your personal information that the Company has obtained, the Company will promptly respond to your request after confirming your identity and the identity of the person making such a request.
The Company will accept your request for disclosure of your personal information held by the Company, as well as for correction, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure, etc.") in cases where the details of your personal information are contrary to the facts.
However, this does not apply when there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other interests of other customers, when it is judged to be a significant obstacle to the performance of the Company's business, or when otherwise stipulated by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
In addition, in cases where there are provisions in laws and regulations, the Company will respond appropriately in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. In some cases, the Company may not be able to disclose the reason for its inability to respond to a request for Disclosure, etc.
6. Voluntary Nature of Providing Personal Information
The decision to provide personal information to the Company is at the discretion of the customer. However, if they do not provide the required information, the Company may not be able to provide services in an appropriate manner.
7. Use of Cookies and Web Beacons on the Company's Website
The Company's website may use cookies and web beacons. They are used to ensure optimal use of the Company's website by customers. Customers can reject the use of cookies and web beacons by changing the settings on their browsers, but this may prevent them from using some of the services. By using them, the Company may obtain attribute information that does not identify individuals, such as customers' browsing history, service usage history, and location information.
※ "Cookies" are pieces of information exchanged between the web server that manages the website and the customer's browser, and may be stored as a file on the customer's computer disk. Cookies allow the web server to record information, such as which pages on the website a specific computer has visited.
※"Web beacons" are a technology that works in conjunction with cookies to determine how many times a particular page has been accessed.
7-2. Security Control Measures
To prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of the personal information it handles and to ensure the security of personal information, the Company will take necessary and appropriate measures. The security control measures taken by the Company include the following:
1)Establishment of basic policy
To ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, the Company has established the Personal Information Protection Policy.
2) Organizational security control measures
- In addition to appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal information, the Company clarifies the employees who handle personal information and the scope of personal information handled by such employees.
3) Technical security control measures
- The Company limits the persons in charge and the scope of personal information databases, etc. to be handled.
8. For complaints or inquiries regarding personal information obtained by the Company, please send an email or postal mail to the "Personal Information Protection Inquiry Desk" below.
[Personal Information Protection Inquiry Desk]
#602, PORTAL POINT HARAJUKU, 3-51-10 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051
And The Co., Ltd.
If you wish to request disclosure of your personal information that the Company has obtained, the Company will promptly respond to your request after confirming your identity and the identity of the person making such a request.
1. Contents of Disclosure, etc.
1)Notification of purpose of use
3)Correction, addition, or deletion of contents
4)Suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties
Please note that, in some cases, the suspension of use or deletion may result in the inability to provide services in line with your preferences. The Company kindly asks for your understanding in advance when making such requests.
2. Contents of Disclosure, etc.
The Company charges a fee of 2,000 yen (including tax) per request for Disclosure, etc.
The Company will mail you a report on the results of the Disclosures, etc., which will include an invoice for the above-mentioned amount. The Company kindly asks for your payment.
Please note that in cases where it is difficult to perform the suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision within the specified fee due to the need for a large amount of money, etc., the Company may ask you to pay the actual cost separately. In such cases, the Company will notify you in advance and seek your understanding.
3. Method of Requesting Disclosure, etc., and Inquiries
To make a request for Disclosure, etc., please fill in the necessary items on the "Disclosure, etc. Request Form designated by the Company," enclose "copies of documents necessary to confirm your identity and that of the person making the request," and send by registered mail, simplified registration mail, recorded delivery mail, or any other means that will leave a record of delivery. Please download the Disclosure, etc. Request Form in PDF format, and print and fill it out. Please note that the Company will not be able to respond to requests for Disclosure, etc. that do not follow this method (including requests made in person at the Company). Please also be aware that the Company may not be able to respond to your request if the information on the Disclosure, etc. Request Form is incomplete or if the Company is unable to confirm your identity and the identity of the person making the request (agent, etc.).
1)"Disclosure, etc. Request Form designated by the Company," "Disclosure, etc. Request Form
2) "Copy of documents necessary to confirm your identity and that of the person making the request"
※For the domicile information, please provide only up to the prefecture level, and any information after that should be blacked out.
●A copy of driver's license
●A copy of passport
●A copy of health insurance card
●A copy of Basic Resident Registration Card
●A copy of Certificate of Alien Registration
●The agent to whom the principal has delegated the work of making a request for Disclosure, etc.: A letter of attorney or other document that confirms the authority of the agent
4. Notification Method of Results Regarding Request for Disclosure, etc.
The Company will notify the person making the request (the name and address of the requester provided on the Disclosure, etc. Request Form) in writing by postal mail (Japan Post personal delivery service). If the request corresponds to a case where Disclosure, etc., will not be made (Note 3), the reason will be stated in the notification. In cases where corrections, additions, or deletions have been made, the Company will also provide notification of these changes and their contents. Please note that it may take some time before notification is made.
(Note 3) Cases in which Disclosure, etc. will not be made: Please note that Disclosure, etc. will not be made in any of the following cases.
[1]Cases where notification of purpose of use will not be provided are as follows:
- When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the party concerned or a third party
- When there is a risk of harming the rights or legitimate interests of the Company
- When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or a local government to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and providing the notification may impede the execution of such affairs
- When the purpose of use is clear
- When the requested personal data does not exist
- When the requester does not pay the prescribed fee
[2]Cases where personal information will not be disclosed are as follows:
- When there are special procedures stipulated by laws and regulations
- When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the party concerned or a third party
- When there is a risk of causing significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the Company's business
- When it would violate laws and regulations
- When the requested personal information subject to disclosure (legally, personal data the business holds) does not exist
- When the requester does not pay the prescribed fee
[3] Cases where correction, addition, or partial deletion will not be made are as follows:
- When there are no errors in the details of the personal information subject to disclosure (legally, personal data the business holds)
- When there are special procedures stipulated by laws and regulations
[4] Cases where suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties will not be made are as follows:
- When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the party concerned or a third party
- When there is a risk of causing significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the Company's business
- When it would violate laws and regulations
[5]Purpose of use of personal information obtained through requests for Disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained through requests for disclosure, etc. will be used only to the extent necessary for the disclosure procedures. In addition, the submitted documents will be properly disposed of.